Telephone: 01903 746547

Opening hours: Monday - Thursday 10am - 1pm

ICE (Infrastructure, Communications and Environment Committee)

The main areas covered by this Committee are: Maintenance of street lighting and litter clearance. Advising the Council on any community events within the parish (Christmas lighting, , Festive events, Village Day etc.) and pursuing plans for events approved by the Council. Maintenance of the Pond. Advising the appropriate authorities on areas needing attention, i.e., highways, footways, public footpaths, highway lighting, car parking, traffic and road signs, street naming and numbering, public transport, dog bins, public conveniences, floral displays in the village, street furniture, village gateways and signage.  Waste provision and recycling. Environment & Climate Change. Parish Council Communication Strategy to ensure our community are well informed and engaged. Initiatives to increase tourism/visitors to the Parish. Support local businesses with events and activities aimed at ensuring we have a thriving village for local people and visitors. 

Agendas and Minutes

15 Jan 25


Meeting cancelled

19 Feb 25


19 Mar 25


16 Apr 25


21 May 25
